My Role
UX Design
Bright Health Group
For our virtual care platform to fully support enterprise clients, we had to create a web experience based off our native mobile app and make it customizable to each client's themed brand.
We knew we had to limit design changes on web to minimize if/else cases showing different designs on web than mobile. We decided that a web app would be the most natural direction to match our mobile-first design.
We made some decisions based on what would be the smallest lift while providing a positive experience, such as confining the onboarding experience to cards, while others were made based on the capabilities of Flutter and routing, such as not having overlays that included drill-down behaviors. The drill-down limitation in particular continued to influence our design decisions on not only web, but also on mobile so that we could have a more parallel experience.
Initial DocSquad-specific mockups proved that further standardization needed to be made for our web app to work for all clients:
A usability test was conducted on an early production version of the website to understand how real-world users would complete tasks in DocSquad and to identify any non-critical usability problems that we should address in future iterations.
Five participants were asked to create an account on DocSquad and get care for a specific condition using the Online Interview option. Our researchers then grouped their feedback into three separate categories: critical errors, major errors, and minor errors.
Critical Errors:
No critical errors were discovered during this round of testing
Major Errors:
Minor Errors:
To avoid complexity, we modified our existing experience to let us use the same design for DocSquad and all our 49 white-label clients. We followed the same patterns as our existing mobile code and optimized this to work for both narrow and wide layouts. Because we already had assets from all our clients, we wanted to keep requirements to a minimum to reduce the amount of clients that we would need to reach out to in order to get our changes implemented.
We rethought our app in a way that would be scalable, using the logos, primary, and secondary colors that we already had from our enterprise clients. We found some areas of concern that would be especially damaging to the scalability of enterprise clients during the white-labeling process and developed standardizations to address these areas:
In exchange, we requiring all clients to, at a minimum, provide a primary color that meets accessibility standards when placed on a white background. After auditing all of our existing clients, this only caused us to need to reach out to six clients for a new primary color.
We were able to address major errors from usability testing in our continued work. We added a way to edit personal information, as this feature was simply still in development during testing. Additionally, we were able to simplify the How it Work modal in our following redesign epic. Unfortunately, due to the lack of error specificity that our front end team received from the backend, we were unable to provide users with the specific reason for their account creation error, but we reworked this to the best of our ability and put it on the backend team's radar as an area of improvement.
Luckily, we had the opportunity to improve a number of the minor errors that were uncovered during usability testing as our work on this epic continued. While the website later got an overhaul in our DocSquad Redesign work, we were able to work on accessibility features such as keyboard navigation and text input labels, Date of Birth entry improvements, and the price indicator in the Get Care button before the redesign.
While I was able to make updates to some of our components, it did not make sense with the small size of our team to spend my resources updating the design system. If afforded the time in the future, it is a main goal of mine to update our design system in a way that is more scalable and allows for greater efficiency.
Just because something is designed well for mobile, that doesn't mean that it will be simple to transfer it over to web. In an ideal world, it would be preferred to design both in tandem from the start. However, because that was not the case, it is important to account for the different interaction styles and layouts requiring more work than anticipated. It is key to be flexible, for changes on web may require parallel changes on mobile, and compromises will need to be made when working in an agile environment.